Jenn Heflin

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What is your name, occupation, and roles you most identify with?  Mei-Ling, Social Media Manager, Wife, Mother of (soon-to-be) two boys.

How do you maintain your resiliency in tough times? Maintain a strong support system and accept help when needed, try to focus on self-care, keep working towards the goal.

Do you think the current movement will be the one to change things for future generations? Yes, despite everything that has happened, women are rising. Women are raising their voices and fighting for issues that matter most, from sexual harassment to reproductive rights to paid leave. And the prevalence of social media has become super effective in mobilizing the younger generation.

What can men do to make it better for women?  Treat women as equals and with respect at ALL times. Speak up, be a part of the change our culture needs

Last question. Why will you vote in the next election? I'm voting because this is not the America my mom immigrated for, nor is it the America I want to raise my children in. They deserve to grow up in a world where democracy is alive and well, and our democracy only works when we all make our voices heard. I'm voting to help shape our future for the better. We need better.